Fashion Icon Batman's Vicki Vale (1989)

I’m overdue for a mushy ass feelings post, but I’m not really in the mood for that right now. What I want to talk about is one of my favorite fictional fashion icons.

First of all, we need to establish that the best Batman movie ever made is the animated Batman: Mask of the Phantasm, followed very closely by Tim Burton’s Batman and Batman Returns. And none of the other films count (except for maybe the Adam West one, but I’m mostly throwing much-deserved shade at Joel Schumacher and Christopher Nolan). Now, while discussing the Batman of the early ‘90’s, we all know that Michelle Pfeiffer as Selina Kyle was a whole ass mood. Just look at her. That scene when she transforms into Catwoman? ICONIC. YOUR FAVE COULD NEVER. It’s a goth girl’s dream.


HOWEVER - Kim Bassinger as Vicki Vale is a fucking unsung, underrated hero and a vibe I’ve definitely noticed myself riding recently (if not my whole life). The oversized glasses. The muted and limited color palette. The long sleek hair. The HAT. There’s a timeless simplicity and je ne sais quoi - even if her looks are firmly placed in the late ‘80’s. Honestly, you could update that blue dress to a body con structure, and tweak the white party dress and then EVERY LOOK would work today. Not only is her look fashionable, it’s functional. She looks great, but really she’s here to photograph large bats and you better not get in her way. Speaking of goth girl dreams - homegirl devoted her work to large bats, dead folks, and the macabre. Vicki Vale is a major ass vibe.

That feelings ass post is coming soon. Promise. Until next time.

Fictional Fashion Icons - Hilary Banks

More fun new posts! This new bit is something I'm calling "Fictional Fashion Faves". There are some characters from television and film (and literature too, I suppose), who are just a cut above the others. The stylists for the show go above and beyond to answer the call and leave us with characters who's fictional closets we covet.

First up on my list? Hilary Banks from the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air. Okay, a quick reminder if you don't remember the HBIC, Hilary. Hilary was the oldest daughter of the Banks family. She was basically a typical LA girl; snobby, shallow trendy environmental activist, impulsive, attractive and extremely self-centred. She often claimed to hobnob with celebrities and loved being mistaken by people for Whitney Houston. So basically, my hero. Hilary, despite her mean girl characterization was full of integrity, loved her family, made the best of dropping out of UCLA, and started her own daytime talk show. She was nice to Jazz and didn't play with his feelings; even though she totally could have. And she had major character development when her fiancé died. 

Now, let's talk about how she dressed. Hilary accented her wardrobe with a lot of hats, which I love, because my Grandmother was a southern church goer and I learned early there is nothing better than a nice hat. This show aired in the '90s, so there were tons of body hugging silhouettes and blazers. I've got to say; for a show that's never twenty years old, most of Hilary's outfits could totally work today, and that's without the '90s revival we seem to be in the middle of. 

Take a look at these pieces. 

All images are own by NBC. Etc. Etc. Don't sue me.

Can I start with the top row? I need that outfit in all black and I need it now. NOW. Those bodycon dresses? Totally modern.  Hilary was all about vests, and while it's not totally my style, it works. It just works. There are tons of bold patterns here, which I love. BLAZERS. Jackets are way more important to my style than they probably should be - - I live in LA. Lastly, I wanna talk about Hilary's wedding dress and how she awakened by inner goth by dying it black in mourning after her fiancé Trevor died. 

In conclusion, Hilary Banks was everything and I definitely look to her for fashion inspiration. Who's your favorite fictional '90's fashion icon? Drop it in the comments, or hit me up via twitter or instagram (both profiles are linked)! 

Until next time!
