the backward step

my brother taught me how to cha cha when i was a kid. it’s one of my favorite dances to do, because it’s easy. two steps forward, two backwards. 


robert brault said an optimist is “someone who figures that taking a step backward after taking a step forward is not a disaster, it's a cha-cha.” been trying to live that recently. i haven’t really updated about me or life recently, because i took the backward step. i think (i’m stressing the, i think part) the big lesson i was supposed to get out of this is to not stop dancing. i got a job again. then i left that job and went back to freelancing. there’s a lot of other stuff that goes into that story, that i don’t really want to unpack, but i think if you’ve followed the blog you know why that was the backward step. 


i’ve been good. there’s the uncertainty and anxiety and self-deprecation that come with the backward step, but i’m still dancing and will figure out what the forward step is. i’ve been really big on the introspection and thinking about the coming year. i realized of the 27 new habits i wanted to cultivate this year and goals i had for the year; i worked diligently at 17 of them and i feel like i did a good job being true to them. and maybe in 2016 i need to make a shorter list.


as i’m looking to change things and figure out what i want my career to look like, the format of the blog might be changing a bit. i’m still playing with some ideas, so i don’t want to throw anything out there yet.


also, i should probably say that you won’t hear from me until the end of november, because my #nanowrimo project is still in the first act. 

Top 10 Songs

I have my first reader request! I am so excited. And flummoxed. This is a hard one. Beautiful, amazing, funny, talented, kind (I could go on about her for a long time) Natalie asked for the 10 songs that changed my life and why. Constructing this list was brutal. There’s just so much music that means so much to me… my master iTunes library has 57,023 songs in it; my playlists are sorted by year and what albums made the biggest impact on me that year…you would think that amount of organization would make this easier. It did not. Some songs were obvious and jumped out at me. Some were harder to put a read on; I ended up listing the albums that mean the most to me, and cherry picking songs from there. I would also like to note that my top three favorite songs of all time “Leader of the Pack” by the Shangri-Las, “Hands Down” by Dashboard Confessional, and “Clark Gable” by the Postal Service didn’t even make the list. I love them, but they don’t mean as much. If that makes sense. Anyway, in no particular order…

  • Thieves in the Temple by Prince
    • This is the first song that I was ever crazy about. I was about 2 years old and my family was very concerned that I didn’t know how to talk. The truth was, I was very selective about when I chose to use my words. My mom caught me slipping one day, she was driving and I was in the back seat, and I sang the whole sang word for word. It was used as the climax song in my director senior project (a dance show about bisexual vampires). This song has just always had a place in my life.

(Prince has his whole thing against the internets, so idk how you can find this song if you're unfamiliar).

  • Don’t Speak by No Doubt
    • I have always loved music. I always wanted to be involved in music. Rock music. I didn’t want to be a pop singer or an R&B singer, even though I liked them and admire them. I wanted to rock. At first I thought I could just be the girl on top of a car in a hair metal video. Then I realized Jennifer Batten and Wendy & Lisa were in the band, and I realized I could be in the band. It wasn’t until Don’t Speak by No Doubt, when I realized I could be the leader of the rock band. Gwen Stefani was and continues to be everything. 


  • Resurrect the Sun by Black Veil Brides
    • Shitty break up of 2012. Wretched and Divine: The Story of the Wild Ones is the only album I can listen to without crying hysterically. The lyrics are all about strength and being resilient in the face of a big evil. My favorite song on the album (although I Am Bulletproof is a close second). 


  • Drain the Blood by The Distillers
    • Brody Dalle is to my teen-age years what Gwen Stefani is to my even younger years. A bad ass female who didn’t need no man and wrote awesome rock music. I kept a picture of Brody Dalle in my locker. (There was a picture of Homer Simpson too, but that’s neither here nor there). “All my friends are murder” meant the most to an outcast who felt like she didn’t have any friends. Brody also utilized a lot of power chords in her writing, which made it easy for an aspiring front woman to learn her songs and feel like the heir to the throne. 


  • God Called in Sick Today by AFI
    • AFI is hands down my favorite band of all time, I’ve seen them live over 20 times, am a member of the fan club, the whole she-bang. Following AFI around California for tour dates are some of my favorite memories and every show ended with God Called In Sick Today, and Davey HavoK god walking over the crowd, while we all sweated and sang and swayed in time. 


  • Astronaut by Amanda Palmer
    • I love Amanda Palmer. She’s so unapologetically herself. Astronaut is such a strong album opener. This album came out when I was in a really low period, I went to see her the night the album was released, and a few days later ended up in the hospital. This album though…it spoke to me. It helped me see things through. This is a really good song about loss.


  • Landslide by Fleetwood Mac
    • This song reminds me of Saturday mornings with my mom. When I went through my Stevie Nicks phase, my mom opened up her closet and gave me all of her old maxi skirts and some awesome wraps and vintage bags. My mom is basically my favorite person and this song makes me think about hanging out with her.


  • The Quiet Things That No One Ever Knows by Brand New
    • The beginning of my emo “phase”? I don’t know. I just know this is, in my opinion, one of the greatest songs ever written, off of one of the greatest albums ever written.


  • Sugar We’re Going Down by Fall Out Boy
    • One of my high school crushes became my crush because I heard him singing this song under his breath during a quiz, and I was sure our kindred musical tastes meant we were meant to be. I first saw the music video for Grand Theft Autumn on some weird Canadian music channel my uncle got with his satellite and I was done, Fall Out Boy fan for life. Their name was an allusion to The Simpsons, Patrick’s voice was smoother than butter, and Pete’s lyrics spoke to my confused adolescent brain that had too many feelings and not enough outlets. 


  • If You Can’t Hang by Sleeping with Sirens 
    • The construction on this song is amazing. Sleeping with Sirens and Black Veil Brides helped me regain my passion for the scene and tap into a part of myself that had been dormant; the weird, DIY, fearless emo trash teen ager. 

Yay! There it is.

If there’s anything you like to see my blog or vlog (yes, video blog…new things are coming!), then just drop a line in the comments, or hit the contact button and send it to my inbox.

There Aren't Enough Lifeboats

I was writing in my journal a little over two years ago, and I was feeling completely overwhelmed. I was knee deep in my quarter life crisis. I had just finished Grad School and had no clue what the hell I was doing with my life. I thought I had a plan, and then I realized I totally didn’t. I was freaking the fuck out. 


I sat down and the first sentence I wrote after I had written the date was “There are not enough lifeboats.”


That one sentence perfectly described the anxiety I was feeling. I felt like I was the captain on a sinking ship, that I was responsible for making sure everyone got off of the sinking ship and to safety, and that there just were not enough lifeboats for everyone. (I might have been thinking about James Cameron’s Titanic when I sat down to write, because I think about Titanic a lot.) Really though, when you think your life is falling apart, it’s a great way to describe the anxiety you’re having. 


If you’ve ever met me you know I talk in an extremely quick cadence…if you haven’t met me, imagine a squirrel hyped up on cocaine saying all of the following without taking a breath; I finished school and now I have more debt, I have a great job but it isn’t my dream job, I don’t know how to get to my dream job, I don’t know if my dream job will help me get out of debt or put me into more debt, I just turned 25 and that seems so old to me, I’m not married yet, I probably won’t be married for a really long time because I just went through a shitty ass break up and I hate everyone and everything, what’s the meaning of life, I just want to be content and fulfilled and warm at night, cats, internet, maintain friendships, take your vitamins, did you pay the bills or just imagine you did, maybe I should get a haircut, No but I should revamp my wardrobe, What have I been doing with my life, Oh yeah I just finished Grad School while holding down a full-time job, I finished school and now I have more debt…and then they just repeated over and over again.


I didn’t have enough lifeboats for all of those thoughts. Talking with both my mom and my therapist made me realize, not everything deserves a fucking lifeboat. Leave some of that shit on the sinking fucking boat, and move the fuck on. I couldn’t do anything about getting older, except die, and since that wasn’t part of the plan, it doesn’t get a life boat. I had a six month grace period on my student debt, so that didn’t get a boat. My marital status? No boat. Healing after my break up, that got a boat. The meaning of life? Nope. No boat. Feeling fulfilled and content and being warm at night? That got a boat. Getting a haircut and revamping my wardrobe? Those were both manageable, and would make me feel better, they got a boat. I think you’re getting the point, here. Some things just don’t get a boat. And that’s not a bad thing. Sometimes you have let the whole boat sink, start swimming, and figure out the rest later. I think that’s what most people refer to as rock bottom. The point is, my freaking out doesn’t mean I magically get more resources to handle all of the problems. It doesn’t work that way. You handle the shit you can, and the rest is the rest.


I also learned, that sometimes your lifeboat doesn’t look like a lifeboat. My mom and I love to joke about the “God Will Save Me” story. I’m sure most people have heard that. “And God said, ‘Son, I sent you a warning. I sent you a car. I sent you a canoe. I sent you a motorboat. I sent you a helicopter. What more were you looking for?’ “We were joking about it one day and I said, “I’ll take the boat, the catamaran, the pontoon, the sloop, the bicycle, the penny farthing…” we were both laughing too hard for me to keep naming vehicles. Sometimes I get so caught up in looking for a lifeboat that I’m freaking out and not realizing I have resources to help me, they just aren’t lifeboats. I am getting better at asking for, accepting, and recognizing help. 


I don’t wanna act like I have this shit all figured out, I don’t. Today, I feel like there are enough lifeboats. So today, I’m writing because maybe someone out there needs to read this. Maybe it’ll be me, tomorrow morning, who needs it.


Eyes towards the horizon,


xo jordi

The Multiverse

*the following is a work of fiction. i wrote it sometime last winter (?). i was mourning the end of two relationships and reading a lot of comic books.  


there’s another universe where we exist. where we met in paris, two americans lost in a city bigger than our dreams. we were staring at the same painting in the louvre, and i was hungry. you got the courage to say hello when my stomach growled. it didn’t matter that you were younger than i was, or my skin was darker than yours. our mutual interest in special effects make up and dancing was enough. i flew home before you, and my home was one river, two counties, three states, and four hours by car away from yours. but i was in between jobs, so coming to see you when you finally came home wasn’t a problem. we fell in love. we were a romantic comedy. we wrote letters. we took road trips. we found new, better jobs nearer to one another. you wrote for a music magazine and i ended up becoming an interior designer. we lived in a shitty apartment where everything was always falling apart and fixer-upper was an understatement. we got a golden retriever. we sent out engagement announcements with photos of our golden retriever balancing the rings on his nose. we went back to paris on our honeymoon. in this universe, things worked out between us.

there’s another universe where we exist. where our first date was a kanye west concert. both is us were huge kanye fans, but we tried to act unaffected and like we were too cool for the whole thing. we were really hip, but our hipness couldn't keep our bodies from swaying in unison. you reached for my hand during the vamp of flashing lights and we held hands and kissed all throughout runaway. three months later you move into my bungalow in the canyon. we spent hot mornings having sex and cool afternoons taking bike rides through twisty roads to get to out of the way cafes for dinner. i got angry when the santa ana winds whipped through our back yard and you soothed my nerves with essential oils and cucumber tea. we started our own band in this universe. we opened for phantogram. i wrote the lyrics and you sang. we were fairly successful. we never got married. we did have a daughter named amnesty. she chased your cat, errol, through the yard daily. in this universe, things worked between us.

there's another universe where we exist. where you were the frontman of world famous band, and i was a penniless would be music video director. you saw one of my youtube clips and suddenly i was being flown to new york city to take care of your next video. you didn't know i'd be so pretty. it smells like a rare hamburger outside, but we are stuck inside a warehouse and i’m teaching you dance moves and you wonder why i don’t have a choreographer; i mumble back that i’m new at this and you chose me. our animosity towards one another is not real animosity, it is unhealthy flirting. as we’re packing up to leave that day, and i remind everyone that call time is 6am the next morning, you ask me on a date. my face twists in confusion. no, i will not go to dinner with you. your face twists up in confusion. no woman has ever said no to you after your first single went platinum. i remind you that i am your boss, or maybe you’re my boss, for the next two days, and besides it being unethical i am not the kind of girl that dates rock stars. you shake your head and walk away. you ask the next day and the day after that, and the night we wrap. i tell you no every single time. i am on a plane back to san francisco that has wifi checking my e-mail. you thank me for a great shoot, say you can’t wait to see the finished product, and ask me out again. i relent this time. we get married on a yacht. in this universe, things worked between us.

there’s another universe where we exist. where we did not break up a week before our two year anniversary. we went disneyworld like we had planned. i took photos of tourists for my street style blog, we played games on your phone during long line waits. my mother asked me if we had any plans to be married before we left. i laughed at her and told her we liked things the way they were, no titles, no commitments, just each other. i was actually good with that, by the time the trip rolled around. when we came home, you were finally moved out of IT for the website you worked for and became a paid contributor. i was happy one of us was making real money, because it looked like my next band might actually work and i could keep putting off going back to school. it didn’t, and i did go back to school. culinary school. you laughed at the idea, but you liked how i took things one day at a time. i was a new person; someone who wasn’t anxious about the endless sea of tomorrows. eventually i opened my own bakery.  in this universe, things worked between us.

there’s another universe where we exist. where we did break up a week before our two year anniversary, just like in this universe. but, in that universe it was a clean break. we let each other go with dignity, and then we met up again on a flight to seattle. you were going to visit your parents. i was going just to go, i had never been. i thought i saw you when i checked in with TSA, but i convinced myself it wasn’t you. like i didn’t know your body and your walk better than i had known my own at one point. i chanted and prayed until it was time for me to board my flight, i didn’t know if i was asking the universe to make that tall blond man you, or please keep it from being you. a snot nosed woman who constantly looked like she was smelling something unpleasant sat next to me. i looked up into the shadow you cast as you begged her to trade seats with you, because i was your ex girlfriend and you missed me and wanted to talk to me. i froze you out like a snow queen for the next three minutes. i finally melted and we caught up on the last two years on our flight. we agreed to meet at your favorite bar, you asked if you could take me to the space needle. i liked seattle. i liked you again. you tried to kiss me. i said second chance romances never work. you sang me a maroon 5 song. we ended up moving to seattle, and buying a big house with the advance with your first novel. i left my job in rights and licensing at BMI, i unintentionally started a new wave of riotgrrrrl rock by producing music in seattle. in this universe, things worked between us.

there’s another universe where we exist. where i am a beautiful actress, but am entirely broke. i take a horrible film shooting in a remote jungle, because it is the only audition i can land. we arrive on the island that is supposedly haunted. you are a thirty foot tall bonobo. the director scraps his film and decides to bring you back to los angeles, and charge people admission to see you. i am the only person who speaks against him, who tells him it is wrong. he captures you anyway. i spend time in your cage on the voyage home. you’re an animal, but you’re the only place that has ever felt like home. when we get back to los angeles, i refuse to participate in his stage show. you escape the first night and rampage the city looking for me. you find me and clutch me in your fist as you scale the capital records building. military helicopters shoot as us until you fall. you die. i die of a broken heart. somehow it still feels like in this universe, things worked between us.

there’s another universe where we exist. where we met online, on our favorite blogging website. we both have passions for writing and love the same bands. we exchange long e-mails and post secret in jokes on our blogs. we text each other daily. the two hour time difference doesn't bother us. we decide to meet. austin, texas has an up and coming music scene that we are both interested in and we have heard good things about the local food. our flights land at different times, so we agree to meet for dinner at 24 on lamar where we split chicken, waffles, and sweet potato hash. you cancel your hotel reservation and we are back in my room at the cute little boutique hotel i looked up online fucking each other's brains out. in this universe, things worked between us.

there’s another universe where we exist. where you crash your car into mine, driving drunk. it is the first time you’ve ever driven drunk. you get arrested. you contact me after your insurance has written me a check for my totaled car. you apologize over the phone, your voice sounds so sad and lonely, not only do i forgive you, but i ask you if you want to meet for coffee. you make me sides ache with laughter, even though you're describing your chronic depression and descent into alcoholism. i have never told anyone besides my therapist about my years long affair with bulimia, but i confess to you. i tell you if i can conquer my addiction, you can battle yours. i act as an unofficial sponsor. it's good things are unofficial because you can't kiss your sponsee, which i do on our visit to the grand canyon. you get clean. i relapse. we work through it. we move to norcal. we adopt a vietnamese baby. in this universe, things worked out between us.

there’s another universe where we exist. where we never meet. you never went to csulb, you stayed with your parents in seattle, and worked at a small book store. i started many failed blogs. i married a woman with red hair, and ended up with in the hospital from complications from my anorexia. you never got married. you had a baby with a woman you met at a show and didn't want to speak to again. we were both consumed by sadness and couldn't figure out why. soulmate doesn't mean you stay together forever. our souls needed to be touched by on another; to learn things, to figure the world out, to be loved, to become a more complete soul. our souls needed each other. without it we were lost. this universe was the saddest of all. 

there is this universe where we exist. where we broke up the week before our two year anniversary, because you thought we were better as friends. i said i never wanted to see you again. i still called you twice a week crying and cursing. after everything; i missed you and i loved you. in this universe, where i was insecure and starved myself for your approval. in this universe where you drank and totaled my car. i wanted to go back to paris with you, i wanted to believe we could conquer our demons and have a large family of interracial children. your mother blamed our age difference. my mother called you a dog for refusing to marry me. sometimes at night i think we were just too different. we are trying to be friends. sometimes it works better than others. i called you from the space needle, when i finally went to seattle. you told me the city suited my color. we've talked about getting the band back together, but our failed trip to the grand canyon as "just friends" told us that wasn't such a good idea. in this universe where i've quit four different careers as a blogger, a pastry chef, a director, and a photographer, because the future frightens me, and this fear led me to worry about our future, beg you to marry me, punish you when you said you weren't ready. in this universe where you found success as an architect, after building a beautiful new musical venue in austin, inspired by our first trip there. you called me last night; king kong was on tv and you were thinking about our first date. we talked for a little while, and i didn't cry after we hung up. in this universe, where things are unknown between us.