SPHS + WOC = ?

There are a lot of things I don’t remember about my high school career. This is on purpose. Before I drink booze I kindly look at my glass and whisper, “If you’re going to get rid of brain cells, take the ones with high school memories encoded on them. I don’t need them”. Okay, I’m kidding. I have never done that. But, I very willfully don’t think about high school, because I hated it. However, I’m going to unearth some of the boxes from the mental attic and talk about it, because a former classmate, that I recently regained contact with via Facebook (who I liked back then, and now really respect the adult she’s become), asked me to write about what it was like going to our school as a woman of color. Her question kind of took me off guard, but I immediately thought I knew what she was getting at. 

(The writing of this post is going to degenerate several times to me just listening to the music I listened to in high school, I just know it).

I was born and raised in San Pedro, California. San Pedro is a peninsula and home to Los Angeles harbor. It’s actually about 25 minutes from Los Angeles proper. It’s a small, sleepy ass suburb, in the middle of nowhere, that most Angelenos can’t identify on a map. According to 2008 (two years after I graduated) population information, there were 86,012 people living in San Pedro, which is only 12.06 square miles. That’s 6.6 thousand people per square mile. It’s not a large town. The median income was 57k. 44.2% of the city was white, 40% latino, 5% asian, and 6% black. It’s not a big town. It’s not a particularly diverse town, either. It’s better than Alabama, I suppose, but it’s not a cultural melting pot. Most of the families that live here have lived here for generations, most of the money comes from a working class culture, the town has a small town feel. It’s got a Friday Night Lights vibe…but not in a good way. Do you know what I mean? 

That was the thing that worried me the most about high school, when I started going to San Pedro High. I wasn’t so much a “rah rah, go team” kind of person, particularly because I didn’t love San Pedro. I have a love/hate relationship with my hometown; I can talk shit about it, but no one else can. I knew I wanted to leave San Pedro, and that my dreams were bigger than marrying a hometown dude and having kids, and whatnot. Not that it’s a bad life, it just wasn’t the life I wanted. So most of my time in high school, was spent figuring out how to get the fuck out of high school and away from San Pedro. But, let me back up and say there are a few things I’ve always been obsessed with. John Hughes movies and Clueless. So, there was this dichotomy of my idea of high school, and how it should play out, but also realizing I was a Daria or an Enid from Ghost World, not a Molly Ringwald. In fact, the best way to describe all of this, without the added complication of color, is to quote myself, in the speech I gave at graduation, “When I started high school in ninth grade I only had a vague idea of who I was, but the unrealistic image of who I thought I should be was burned into my brain. I envisioned my time in school would mirror the cinematic gem Clueless; my hair would always be perfectly quaft, my clothing impeccable, I’d have a gorgeous but soulful boyfriend, I’d be popular and smart and every minute of my life would be perfect, just like a cola commercial. And I would display this cola commercial life to the world and everyone would like and accept me for it. I was wrong, and at the expense of myself I stretched and strove to make my life that way. It wasn’t until the end of the school year that I started to realize that who I was acting like wasn’t me, it wasn’t a person I liked, and I was not the only person majorly unhappy with this stranger in my body. So, in tenth grade, I switched hats. I went as far to the other extreme of me-ness that I could. I had five different hair colors that year. Why? Because I liked the colors. Because I hoped it would establish me as my own person. Because I hoped everyone would recognize that I was my own person and that I could never succumb to their “I have to be just like everyone else” mentality. It was only another extreme, and while I’m less ashamed of this one, I still had a ways to go before I became the person that stands before you.” My speech glossed over the fact that I completely felt like an outcast. I was this girl that everyone knew, but I don’t think I had very many close friends. Some of that was my own fault, some of that was just the social/cultural climate of our school.

I definitely wasn’t as woke to race relations when I was in high school as I am now, and I definitely had some unpacking do you during and after college. That said, I was aware there was definitely some weird race shit that affected the way I related (or didn’t) to my peers. First of all, I was a black minority in a majority white school. Which could be overlooked, if I had been into football or cheer or wore Hollister or whatever. But, to add a layer of complication, I was a Nirvana T-Shirt wearing, Good Charlotte listening to, guitar playing at nutrition, emo girl with a gay best friend. So, there went whatever street cred I had. But then, I had a hard time with the emo kids, because I was black and that scene was a very white space in 2003. However, I had two things going for me; I’m really fucking smart and I can be really charismatic. Which led to my counselor telling me she wanted me to be a part of an on campus club; called LetUp (Leaders Empowering Teens United for Peace). San Pedro High School, at the time, was coming down off a slew of gang violence, and there was a lot of tension between different gangs, which spread to the cliques, which made fights on the basketball courts a daily thing. My counselor had this idea to get together kids from different cliques, put them in a room together for an hour, and basically make them get along. She figured we’d take our peace back out to our cliques and bring some peace back to the school. She thought I was a leader. I thought I was an emo who was the president of Gay Straight Alliance because no one else wanted the job. Statistically, her methods worked and on campus violence dropped dramatically. It didn’t mean kids wouldn’t be kids. Which is just another way to say people are assholes. So, a ton of kids on campus knew me, because of the club. I didn’t really get into fights because of the club. And, I started doing athlete’s homework for cash, because they met me in the club and realized I was doing better in our shared classes than they were.

I’m losing my train of thought; let me condense this into one thought - I was not black enough for the black kids and not white enough for the white kids and that’s basically where I spent my high school social career in some weird limbo. I wasn’t good enough to be considered a good kid, but I wasn’t bad enough to be a bad kid, and mostly I did my best to be myself, fly under the drama radar, and try to ensure I would go to college and get the fuck out of San Pedro. There was a black girl who loudly told her friends she was going to fight me, because I thought I was white because I brought my guitar to school, and in the same week two white guys cornered me in a hallway and told me I was a poser and bet I couldn’t name five punk bands. I responded to both situations by rolling my eyes and stomping off. I really wonder how I made it through all four years of high school and only got into two fights. My high school theater teacher refused to cast me in a role everyone thought I was a shoe in for (an aging rocker mom who wore a leather jacket), because the girl he cast as the daughter was white passing and no one would believe with my skin tone I was her mom. I think the most damage was done to my self-esteem, over anything else. One day I wore a mini-skirt to school (mine was way worse than what girls are being sent home for now, btw), and some girl hissed “slut” at me, and another told me with my black body I could not pull off clothes like that. That skirt went into the back of my closet and didn’t come back out until college. I never thought I was a good dancer, because the dance team was filled with bodies and skin tones that didn’t look like mine. I thought, “pretty for a black girl”, was an actual acceptable compliment for years. I spent years not understanding or accepting my blackness because I wasn’t sure where it left me in the world, because for most of my school career, but particularly high school, I wasn’t black enough to be black and I wasn’t white enough to be white. 

I’m not sure what the tipping point was—I had a great English teacher my freshman year of college who introduced me to bell hooks; and I went down a rabbit hole to read everything of hers I could get my hands on, even going so far as to order books from my schools’ sister library. A friend turned me onto Cornell West. Obama’s race to the White House was a big fucking deal. I went to a few African American Student Alliance meeting, because I didn’t have anything else to do those afternoons. I was an early adapter on Tumblr. I’m still learning. I think as my generation has gotten older we have found ways to reclaim our blackness, while also re-defining it. My high school best friend and I talk about this often. We almost plotzed when we read Zoe Kravitz’s interview with Nylon last year, “I identified with white culture, and I wanted to fit in. I didn’t identify with black culture, like, I didn’t like Tyler Perry movies, and I wasn’t into hip-hop music. I liked Neil Young. Black culture is so much deeper than that, but unfortunately that is what’s fed through the media. That’s what people see. That’s what I saw. But then I got older and listened to A Tribe Called Quest and watched films with Sidney Poitier, and heard Billie Holiday and Nina Simone. I had to un-brainwash myself. It’s my mission, especially as an actress.”. Spending my adolescence in a majority white town didn’t help me see past the stereotypes, and allowed me to deny myself easily. I’m not ashamed of this and I don’t blame anyone, I just count it as fact and hope I can be part of a world that makes that more difficult.  


Weird Dream

Pardon our dust, this corridor of the mall is going through some improvements! (What I mean is, I'm redesigning to better align with my vision and professional goals, but I accidentally deleted some of the old parts of the website and now things look weird. I need to afford to pay someone to do the stuff for me). 

Anyway, I don't have anything particularly important to talk about. It's been ages since I talked about anything going on; I've been in my own world a lot recently. That'll be coming to an end soon. 

I had this really vivid dream about cheesecake earlier and was super pissed when I woke up and there was no cheesecake. That’s not the dream that I want to talk about though. This other dream I had last night, was really weird. I dream about fighting when I’m stressed out. It’s one of those subconscious things I’ve begun to recognize about myself. I can have a dream about fighting someone, and know there’s a problem I’m not letting myself deal with and then spend some time alone and figuring my shit out until the fighting dreams stop. For someone who threatens to punch people in the face a lot, and actually takes pride in having punched a grown man in the face during a mosh pit, I hate fighting. I fucking hate it. I think it’s rude, and disgusting, and violent, and watching MMA made me cry once. I fucking hate fighting. I don’t even like arguing that much. 

So, I had this crap ass dream about fighting. Usually, my standard fighting nightmare features me arguing or fighting with the same person every time, so even though I wake up sweaty and short of breath, I can turn that off and go back to sleep rather quickly. This one was different. I was a student at my old elementary school and this girl kept following me. She was smaller than I was, and had curly blonde hair, and criticized every fucking thing I did. I slumped and had posture, I smelled weird, I wasn’t a good singer, I should give up…I didn’t matter what I did in the dream, this bitch kept running her goddamned mouth. My friends kept telling her to stop and I kept telling them to ignore her, but neither approach matter, because the bitch kept going. She ran her mouth until I couldn’t take it anymore and we started fighting. I let this little bitch have it before I woke up. I thought it was weird, but went to move about my day. 

I was getting my nails done, which I think of as a necessary evil. I love the end result and it keeps me from biting them to shit, but sitting still for an hour and letting someone touch me is personal torture. I slouched in my chair and reproached myself, “Stop slouching, everyone is going to think you’re a slob”. And then it hit me like a ton of bricks. That little bitch in the dream was just another version of me*. The me that has been giving myself hell recently.

I got some shit to work on.


*There's a school of psychology that thinks everyone in your dreams is you. I think it's Freud or Jung? I don't feel like googling this.

good riddance, two thousand and fifteen


i love new year’s eve. halloween is my favorite holiday, but new year’s eve is a super close first runner up. i love a good party. i love shiny clothes. i love fellowship, and hope for something new. this year was…garbage, to be quite honest. so this particular symbolic ending is very important to me. i have (privately) blogging since 2003 and most years since 2006 i have compiled an end of the year wrap up, so here we go…





xtrmst @ the roxy

sirose’s wedding

liz’s 30th

bvb @ the fox

walk the moon @ the palladium 

age of ultron 30 people deep with my work family

my first trip to seattle 

my niece’s prom

sirose’s birthday party

louie’s birthday party

my niece’s graduation

my going away party

ed sheeran @ the hollywood bowl

sam hunt @ irvine meadows

anime expo ’15

comic con ’15

juliette and the licks @ the el rey 

darius rucker @ irvine meadows

warped tour 2015

scare la

hanging out with my mom so much

wedding/baby season

dear boy in store

becoming a sigma kappa advisor

taste of chaos 2015

florence + the machine at the bowl

good charlotte

annual friends disneyland christmas day 

star wars lightsaber battle

friendsmas dinner

the academy is… almost here 10 year reunion show




this year is always going to marred by two things in my memory; the death of my grandmother and leaving my job at apple. i don’t think i really need to espouse about that. quitting my last job was like a really bad break up, and i’m still having a hard time dealing with it; there’s a lot of shame and regret and what ifs and what nows in my mind.




sleater-kinney; no cities to love // marilyn manson; the pale emperor // fall out boy; american beauty/american psycho // falling in reverse; just like you // kelly clarkson; piece by piece // madonna; rebel heart // sleeping with sirens; madness // purity ring; another eternity // best coast; california nights // mumford & sons; wilder mind // florence + the machine; how big, how blue, how beautiful // muse; drones // adam lambert; the original high // of monsters & men; beneath the skin // ryn weaver; the fool // sam hunt; montevallo // passion pit; kindred // cold war kids; hold my home // carly rae jepson; emotion // hilary duff; breathe in. breathe out // the weeknd; beauty behind the madness // honeyeater; self titled ep // set it off; duality: stories unplugged // the neighborhood; wiped out // melanie martinez; cry baby // halsey; badlands // chvchers; every open eye // disclosure; caracal // grimes; art angels // ellie goulding; delirium // 5 seconds of summer; sounds good, feels good // justin bieber; purpose // one direction; Made in the AM // kid cudi; speedin bullet to heaven // kacey musgraves; pageant material // 



jurassic world and the force awakens. duh. did anything else even come out this year? oh, inside out and cinderella. 



i’m going to be lazy and go with parks and rec, because i just binge watched all seven seasons and am sad 2016 will not see new episodes of parks and rec.



I read 21 books this year, which feels really low for me…but I also read a lot of comic books this year…anyway. I highly recommend; The Girl on the Train by Paula Hawkins (It’s being made into a movie in 2016, and it’s good. It gets a lot of comparisons to Gone Girl, but I don’t think the “reveal” in this book is as interesting, I saw it coming). The Pale Motel and Teen Spirit by Francesca Lia Block (I didn’t see the “reveal” in either of these coming until the last second, super juicy, but quick reads). Yes, Please by Amy Poehler (Is it cliche to say something changed your life? This book changed me). Love Letters to the Dead by Ava Dellaira, More Happy Than Not by Adam Silvera, and All the Rage by Courtney Summers, just solid teen fiction. 



taking the time to really figure out what i want out of my life and manifesting those things into my universe.


-2016 goals;

find fulfilling work

work/life balance

beautify my home life (my place kinda looks like leslie knope's)

revamp my wardrobe

eat better food

purge unwanted and unnecessary junk

spend more time outdoors



okay, so this is “funny”…while I was writing this, I was looking back and I found my goals from 5 years ago. It’s interesting to me how I completed most of them at that time, but now that cycle of my life has ended and I’m in a very similar place again… although, I still haven’t played dungeons and dragons. 


2011 goals;

-get a new job [the one i have will drive me crazy and ruin one of my relationships if i stay there for much longer].

-go to more shows [music and theatre. it's fun, good for the health, and something that needs to be done more often].

-get my fucking license [i'm 22 years old, this is just ridiculous].

-nurture my interpersonal relationships. [i feel like i have been throwing my own pity party and slacking on some of my relationships and this is clearly unacceptable. my friends are all i have.]

-start grad school/start my career [working a "job" just isn't my style. i have too much talent to let it go to waste at a 9-5].

-revamp my wardrobe [my size is changing and i'd really like to start dressing like a homeless ghetto hipster queen].

-handle my problems with strength, grace, and dignity [instead of crying and whining i will put on my big girl panties and take things head on].

-get another tattoo [i want like, five more. i need to get started].

-pierce my nose. (again) [i miss that little shiny hole in my face, it completed me]

-work on a piece of art every single day [i need to remain motivated and get things off of my artistic "to do" list].

-stand up for myself [i need to worry less about people loving me and more about people walking all over me]. 

-complete things on my bucket list [i'm tired of just looking at it and saying "someday". today is someday.].

-eliminate negative energy from my life [i'm over the drama. if you're not contributing to my life, then you're detracting from it. and i don't like it when people steal from me].

-travel [i miss nola, nyc, and everywhere i've been. i'm sure there are other beautiful places in the world for me to go to, fall in love with, and miss when i come back home]. 

--learn how to play d&d. 


have some random photos from this year, that i really enjoyed. 

15 Year Old Me or My Second Adolescence

I’ve been joking I’m in my second adolescence. I don’t know how much of a joke it is. I wore the same My Chemical Romance t-shirt two days in a row this weekend. I had been feeling like this for a while, and then a few weeks ago I came across this article; http://elitedaily.com/life/late-20s-adolescence/1266960/. Thank you, Zara Barrie! I don’t like this feeling, but I love this feeling. While I was not aware at the time, 15 year old me was one of the most badass people on the planet. Okay, part of me was aware of it, because I was both cocky and insecure. I suppose I still am. Anyway.

15 year old me knew she was on the verge of greatness. Her life sucked, but things were about to be so sweet. She was going to go a great liberal arts college far away from her small town and meet people who accepted and loved her. She did that. She was going to meet young men who weren’t afraid of her. She did that. She was going to spend most of her free time dancing in mosh pits and dark goth clubs. She did that. She had dreams and passions and she went after them. She staged protests in her high school quads and got into fights because she believed in things and people. 15 year old me had the skill that all teen age girls have; “…every single fucking thing a teenage girl has to deal with, they still manage to do something so mind blowing, yet completely simple: love, unabashedly.” (Quoted from one of my favorite tumblr posts ever. Yes, I’m citing tumblr, gtfo if you don’t like it). 15 year old me was loud and in your face because she was so full of love. Love for life, love for bands, love for fandoms, love for her friends, just crazy in love with any and everything. Her opinions were loud and brash and she had no problem expressing them. When she was sad she was fucking sad and she had no shame about it. She was honest as fuck. She laid the foundation for a pretty rad early 20's.

If I get to be that person again, but with the knowledge and experience I have again now, I will definitely take a second adolescence. Sign me the fuck up. I’ll deal with all of my awkward emotions, insecurities, and weirdness about where I am in life, if it means I get to be that loving, ridiculous, get shit done person I was then. I’m gonna listen to my music loud as fuck, have crushes on dudes, cry when I feel like it, and do all of the shit I haven’t been doing, because I was so busy trying to “adult”. Fuck it. What do I have to lose?

My filter for most big life altering decisions is; would 15 year old me be okay with this? And if I have to think about that answer, then I need to rethink my decision. I love time travel. Ya’ll know this. I continually think that someday a younger version of myself is going to show up out of nowhere, ala Disney’s The Kid, and I’m going to have some explaining to do. As a writer/musician/film maker, I have always wanted to make young adult media. Teenage girls have always been my target audience. I want to represent my younger self, who needed media that she saw herself in. I want to honor my younger self and all that she went through to make me the person I am now. 

Maybe 40 year old me, will feel the same about 20’s me. 
